Anyone for Cricket?

I hope you are having a lovely weekend.  The weather here has been so spring like today and I'm looking forward to seeing the "supermoon" tonight.  I'm feeling much better and I've been working hard on the DT cards for next month's CCAYR challenge.

The card I have to show you today was a bit of a labour of love.  I sweated and worried over it, at one point it looked destined for the bin, but at the end I was happy with it.

I made this for a work colleague who is cricket mad and also loves Magnolias but . . . Magnolia do not love cricket so I had to be a little bit creative with masking and stamping.  It took me several tries but I love the end result.

The background was a card that I downloaded a while back from CraftuPrint or was it Card Downloads, I just can't quite remember . . . I buy things from so many different places and I'm not always good at filing them in an organised way (If anyone has any tips re: this please pass them on!)

The cricket bat was downloaded from Microsoft Office™ clipart.  I had to browse through quite a number before I found the one which I thought would blend in, lol.

James is also a Leicester City fan, hence the lovely blue mirror and diamond card matting layer, which really doesn't show up well on my photos.   Oh and the blue grosgrain ribbon.

The decoupage cricket bats were taken from a sheet from my stash (I thanked my lucky stars when I managed to find it!)

The sentiment shapes were cut from white card with Nesties and distress ink "Faded Jeans" was used to give a nice edge to the cut shapes.

Edwin was coloured with Copic markers using E50 and E51.
I used a white gel pen to give the cricket jumper some detail which was lacking.

Lastly the box, which I made from more of the diamond mirror card ( I thought it was quite male and carried the design colours through).

I decorated another die cut shape with cricket themed decoupage and the same distressed edge.

Sorry for the really long post but I was pleased with this one 'cos I don't do male cards, lol!  No glitter, no pink, no flowers, no gems or doileys, doesn't really compute with me but this card came together and I had to take loads of pictures just in case I started to believe I'd dreamt it : 0 )

Thanks for visiting me,


Claire said…
This is a super card Julie - great image and love all the added extras. Hugs, Claire x