Mid Month Reminder - Ready Teddy Go Challenge

Hi All

Just a quick reminder that there's still a couple of weeks to join in with the challenge at Ready-Teddy-Go challenge.

This month's theme is . . . 

"It's a Wrap"

. . . a challenge which asks you to be inspired by the colour scheme of your favourite product packaging.

Also you get to use your favourite teddy stamp, digi or decoupage, etc.  
Remember your entry doesn't have to be a card, it can be any paper based creation and you can enter up to 4 times per month (as long as you submit something different each time).

The ladies of the DT did an amazing job (as always), why not pop over  and have a look at what they came up with and of course we would love to see what you can do with this theme.

The prize this month is a selection of Fizzy Moon goodies including a lovely acrylic stamp, so it's well worth having a go.

You can join in by clicking HERE

We look forward to seeing you over there

Warmest wishes
