Midway Reminder for "Anything Goes" at RTG Challenge

Hello All, I hope the sun is shining where you are this morning
The weather in my part of the world has definitely been a very mixed bag, one day glorious sunshine, the next torrential downpours : )

It's midway through the month and whilst our Birthday Blog Hop has now ended [thank you to all who took the time, I know that it was quite a commitment] the challenge itself will run as usual until the end of August. 

The winner of the Blog Hop prize and individuals winning hidden prizes will be announced next week, so please don't forget to pop back then.

We've had a really good response in terms of challenge entries so far but it would be great to get a few more of you taking part . . and don't forget you can enter up to 4 times every month as long as you enter something different each time.

The theme this month is 

"Anything Goes"

so that's really easy, just remember your project must feature a bear/teddy on it though.

Our fantastic sponsor this month is Mishelflo Creative Crafting

and a wonderfully generous prize is up for grabs . . . 

And don't forget this month will see the introduction of Top 3 winners for the first time which will see the award of our super cute blinkie and a chance to sit on the GDT [should you want to . . . we are against forced labour at RTG, lol].

To spur you on further the RTG Design Team have made some more inspirational cards so please pop over when you have 5 minutes to have a look.

Here's mine . . .

The card started life as a 6 x 6 scalloped card blank, a silver and pale pink mat layer was placed down.
The image was heavily decoupaged and Stickles added to the bubbles.

I bought the image ready coloured from Cuddly Buddly Crafts, the decoupage was achieved by printing out multiples of the same image and cutting out different bits and pieces from each image and then shaping each individual piece.

The bubble effect over the DP was achieved with a fabric overlay of very loosely woven strands

The embellishment was made using more ready to print images and decoupaging and of course Stickles.

The inside of the card was finished to match and from this camera angle you can see the depth of the decoupage.  Please ignore my paper stacks in the background, lol.

Since photographing this I have added a birthday sentiment in the top left hand corner because I felt that it was a little bare.

Oh before I go, just a word to those of you who are on photo-based or social media based blogs, unfortunately despite our best efforts our design team have not been able to leave you comments because to do so you have to be a member . . . please know that we appreciate your sharing your projects with us just the same.

Well that's all from me I think
Thank you for visiting 


Debs M said…
gorgeous card and i am completely jealous of your stacks of dp!! x
Wendy said…
So gorgeous Julie Ann, adorable image.
Wendy xx
Vicky said…
Beautiful as always Julie Ann...:o)

big hugs Vicky xx
Claire said…
This is a little cutie Julie and love the papers and cute image. Hugs, Claire x
An absolutely gorgeous card you can tell how much love care and work has gone into it xx
Unknown said…
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