House of Cards - July Challenge 5th Week - Photo Inspiration

It's our first ever fifth week photo inspiration challenge over at House of Cards and first it's turn of the Cute and Fun DT to provide some fabulous samples to get your mojo going!  
First, let's look at the photo...

~ Here it is ~

Interpret the photo in any way that you wish, just as long as we can spot the theme
Please join us this week for our challenge--it's ANY CARD MAKING STYLE GOES this week!  You can link up HERE in the original challenge post.  
Here's the card I made ...

This card started life as a cream 6" x 6" scalloped card blank
The DPs are from American Crafts "Here and There" paper stack
The black cardstock was from The Papermill (when the shops were still open!)
I do miss this shop, in fact when I heard on the grapevine that they were shutting up shop I travelled to Liverpool (the last store to close) on the train to stock up . . . I'm so glad I did.

I used a ready coloured Mo Manning image from The Hobby House because I was really short on time.
I ran a Quickie Glue pen edge all around the edge of the shape and dipped them in Glamour Dust.

I embellished the card with acrylic gem flourish corners, inexpensive gauze dressing squares (from my local pound shop) and finished with Wild Orchid flowers and leaves.  I further enhanced them with Stickles Star Dust.

The inside of the card was decorated to match the front

Why not have a go at the challenge this week, it's really fun and it's any style goes this week just as long as you use the photo inspiration.
Pop over and have a look what the rest of my DT came up with too, you won't be disappointed.

Thanks for visiting

For House of Cards Design Team


Claire said…
Such a sweetie - love the image and your fabulous colours. Hope all is OK? Hugs, Claire x
Mynn xx said…
This is gorgeous, Julie Ann! LOVE the way you colored the image--it looks so lifelike! And I adore the bling and flower frame! HUGS and have a great rest of the week! :)
Scrumplescrunch said…
Hello Julie Anne,
Mo Manning has wonderful cute images and you've used this one perfectly. All the wonderful elements you have added create wonderful movement on the card, you may have been short of time, but goodness you made a beauty here.
Smiles :-)
Whisper said…
Oh absolutely gorgeous hun, Luv Sam x
Ruth M said…
Beautiful card Julie Ann, what a sweet image! You've added gorgeous accents and I love the colours you chose to give such a warm feel to your card! Ruth x
Tammy said…
Gorgeous card Julie Ann, such a sweet image and I love all of your beautiful embellishments!
Hugs, Tammy
Nonni said…
Really cute, I love that image!